October 19, 2024
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Real Estate

What to Know When Buying a Historic Home in New Orleans

Historic homes represent a significant part of the New Orleans real estate market. People love them for various reasons – location, architecture, and the fact that you’re not only buying a home but also a piece of history. In New Orleans, the Historic District Landmarks Commission (HDLC) deals with landmarks in the city located in historic districts. Their purpose is to stop the loss of historic properties and preserve the uniqueness of this lovely city. Therefore, buying a historic home in New Orleans comes with a couple of more details than with a regular home, and this guide will introduce you to them. Learn everything about purchasing a historic property in New Orleans to make sure you’ve found the right home for your family.

New Orleans
New Orleans

What’s a historic home?

Firstly, learn more about historic homes and how to recognize one in the real estate market of the New Orleans area. Historic homes are not necessarily pricier than regular homes. Instead, they belong to the National Register of Historic Places and are located in one of 14 historic districts recognized by HDLC. These properties belong to the list of historic locations not only because of their age. There are different criteria that a property needs to meet to be recognized as historic. Some of them were homes of historical people, built by a famous architect, etc.

There are plenty of historic buildings in New Orleans, so buying one as your new home might be a great idea. alt.tag: a historic building in New Orleans

It’s more than just buying a property

Purchasing a historic home in New Orleans doesn’t make you just a property owner. It connects you to the city’s history and helps you maintain your passion for architecture and history. Furthermore, buying such property makes owners join this community of history-preservers. It is not always the most cost-effective option, yet it’s all about saving the neighborhood‘s character. However, true history-lovers don’t mind the extra effort and are willing to invest in a charming property they like.

Remodeling requires permissions

As we have mentioned, HDLC monitors the way historic homes are maintained and reconstructed. Apart from the color of the walls, other house alterations require permission. Also, these changes need to meet the standards of that historic district, as historic homes have specific structures and look. So, one of the things to know before buying a historic home in New Orleans is that you probably won’t be able to remodel it just the way you want it. Certain modern additions such as solar panels are not allowed, as they completely change the way historic homes look. Any alterations need to preserve the old-style standards and make sure all the houses have a unique appearance.

It can cost more…

It’s true that the price of a historic home isn’t necessarily higher than a regular home. However, it can cost you more, especially when it comes to maintenance. Older homes need more frequent repairs, which are often more expensive. These kinds of repairs usually require someone more experienced to do them and also need specific materials. It might result in more costly maintenance, so buyers should have deeper pockets. Finally, these repairs often last longer, so you’ll definitely need a bigger budget and more patience.

…but it’s a smart investment!

Older homes that are well-persevered become an excellent investment. They are pretty popular in the New Orleans market, and buyers are willing to pay more for such properties. Historic districts often increase the homes’ value within them, so if you’re planning to sell, this might be a great solution.

Maintenance of historic homes can be costly and time-consuming – but it pays off! alt.tag: two men remodeling a house

Some grants can help you out

Good news for future historic homeowners – you don’t need to pay for all maintenance costs by yourself. There are certain private funding sources and those provided by the Historic Preservation Fund that can help you out. These are very helpful if you decide to restore the property. However, not everybody gets them. You need to apply, and several factors determine if you’re eligible for this kind of funding. That’s why it’s necessary to have cash in case some unexpected expenses come up.

You will have to give up on gadgets

Modern technology has added many innovations to our homes. Smart home systems, sensor lights, innovative kitchen appliances – they all make our lives easier and more fun. However, most of them will not fit in your historic home. Even though you won’t have the same lifestyle as the homeowners from decades ago, certain modern features will be unavailable. But, this gives historic homes a unique charm – in this fast, modern world, you can have a piece of history and a slow-paced household.

It’s no wonder why many people decide on buying a historic home in New Orleans – these properties are so fascinating! alt.tag: A blue building on a corner

Have you found a perfect property? Start planning the move

After you purchase your new home in New Orleans, it’s time to prepare for the big day. As you’re dealing with a delicate property, make sure you organize this move as safely as possible.

Firstly, list all the moving tasks you need to finish. Even though it doesn’t seem like a lot, a moving checklist will help you stay organized and focused throughout the moving process.

Next, schedule your moving day and hire a moving company. If you’re not sure you can do it on your own, reliable locals can help out. Professional moving services are necessary if you have to move some antique furniture pieces or delicate items to your historic home. Experts will ensure you don’t hurt yourself but also protect your valuables.

Finally, pack wisely. Make sure you find out details about storage space in your new home and compare it to your previous house. Also, it’s best to plan where all the furniture will go so that you can move in much faster and easier. Furthermore, a serious decluttering session is the best way to start fresh and relocate only the essential items from your old home. Say goodbye to all the clutter, rarely used or damaged items, outdated clothes, and toys. After buying a historic home in New Orleans, you want to be able to enjoy the space you have, clutter-free.